Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12 - 15

Math - Last week we discussed money. We discussed the value of coins and how to combine coins. We ended the week by adding and subtracting money. This week some students will be taking the GMADE test. We will also be studying time.

Reading - We have started theme 4 - Amazing Animals. We will read many stories about animals and we will also be focusing on biographies for the next several weeks.
This week's targeted skills are:

Phonics - words with nd, nt, mp, ng, and nk; base words and ending in nouns (-s, -es, -ies)
Comprehension - Text Organization - using pictures, captions and text to retell the main idea and details.
Vocabulary - High Frequency words; using a thesaurus
Fluency: Decodable Text; Leveled Readers

Writing- We will continue working on short stories and friendly letters.

It is so important that your child read to you at least 20 minutes daily. Please encourage your child to sound words out. We have covered word decoding strategies all year so your child should be able to do this with little help from you. If they "get stuck" encourage them to look at the whole word. Tell them to find parts of the word they know and to sound out other parts using the decoding strategies we've learned.

This week's spelling words are:


No school January 19th.
Please bring in Box Tops for Education
Please bring in Nestle Water Labels
Muffins for Mom January 23rd. RSVP by January 14th.
Children should bring backpacks to school daily.
Please check take-home folders daily for important information that may be sent home and for homework.

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