Monday, February 9, 2009

Second Grade Success

February 9 - 13

Spelling words for this week:
born, horn, core, sport, short, torn, morning, sort, fork, snore, forty, forest

Monday - practice reading words to an adult
Tuesday - Write each word 3x each
Wednesday - Study for the spelling test
Thursday - Write words in seven-up sentences which demonstrate the understanding of the meaning of the word.
Friday - spelling test

We will be finishing geometry this week and taking our geometry test. Students have really enjoyed learning more about 3-dimensional objects.
We will begin talking about fractions this week. Fractions are something you can also discuss with your child when you are cooking and eating!

We are still working on friendly letters. The students have been writing letters to others in the class.

Reading -
Encourage students to read at least 20 minutes each night. Ask question about the books that your child has read to increase comprehension. This is a review week. Our focus will be on biographies this week. Students are excited to learn about presidents, astronauts, and Olympic champions!

Phonics skill: r-Controlled Vowels; Word endings-tion, -ture
Comprehension - Understanding Biography
Vocabulary - High-Frequency Words; Abbreviations
Fluency - Decodable Text; Leveled Readers


  • Family Fun Night Tuesday, February 10th 5:00 - 6:30
  • Book Fair - this week
  • Friday - we will have a Valentine Celebration. Please send valentines and a decorated valentine container. If you would like to send treats, please let me know what you will be sending. If you plan to send drinks, please send them in individual containers such as bottled water or juice boxes.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thanks to the Moms!

I want to thank all the moms that attended Muffins for Moms! The children really look forward to having you visit the classroom. It not only makes them feel special, it shows them that you value their education . If you were unable to attend Muffins for Moms, I want to invite you to visit the classroom when it is more convenient for you. Just give me a call or send an e-mail and I'll be happy to work a time out with you.